Staff List
Our 2021-2022 School Community
It takes a community to raise a child. At St. Martin, our Administrative, Support and Teaching Staff are amazing people who strive to provide our school community with a mentally healthy school environment where children can grow in their faith and discover their potential.
Classroom Teachers
Ms. Kate Brioux - Kindergarten
Miss Laura Brioux - RECE
Mr. David Dalliday - Kindergarten
Mrs. Kim Fawcett - RECE
Mrs.Sue Hearne - Kindergarten
Mrs. Nicole Kent - RECE
Ms. Lisa Nolan - Grade 1
Mrs. Trina Turner - Grade 1/2
Mrs. Tina Hulsman - Grade 1
Mrs. Lara Murray - Grade 3
Ms. Liz Brioux - Grade 2
Mr. Chris Cavanagh - Grade 3
Mr. Derek Hennessey - Grade 3/4
Ms. Amy Cavanagh - Grade 4
Mrs. Carrie Gosselin - Grade 4/5
Mrs. Amy Gerolamy (TIC) - Grade 7
Mrs. Janal Ingram - Grade 5/6
Mrs. Julie Clark- Grade 7/8
Ms. Jeanette Russelle - Grade 8
Mr. Fulton-Grade 6
Program Support Teachers
Mrs. Tanya Tucker - Special Education Resource Teacher
Mrs. Terri-Lynn Dalliday - Core French Gr 4-8
Mrs. Marcy D'Alessandro - Integrated Arts
Mrs. Lauren Fitzgerald - Integrated Literacy Support
Mrs. Lyndsey Trilinkski-FSL/Program Support
Support and Admin Staff
Mrs. Allison Allen - Educational Assistant
Mrs. Lisa Chapman - Educational Assistant
Mrs. Elaine Cooper - Educational Assistant
Mrs. Debbie Walsh - Educational Assistant
Mrs. Victoria Wells-Educational Assistant
Mrs. Laura Walsh (Young) (mat leave)-Educational Assistant
Stepahnie Bromley -Educational Assistant
Drew Sullivan-Learning Commons Specialist
Mr. Michael Garvey - Custodian
Mr. Donald Hounam - Custodian
Mrs. Amanda Reed - Secretary
Mrs. Jennifer Fisher - Principal